Welcome to The Seeker’s Notebook

It’s with a big dose of humility, and a dash of pride and joy, that I happily bring Christy Higgins Art & Writing to the public domain. This accomplishment symbolizes a deep turnaround in my life that has taken many years to realize, and I’m thrilled (and a little nervous, to tell the truth). In many ways, this is a “coming out” party; instead of hiding my true nature as an artist and spiritual seeker, as I have done reflexively out of fear and self-defense from early life trauma, I’m putting myself out there in order to be seen and known more clearly for who I am, and for what’s meaningful and valuable to me. Getting here hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I’ll dive into that more deeply as I use this blog as an extension of the journaling and self-inquiry I’ve been engaged in my whole adult life.

The quick back story of this project is that in the very early days of the pandemic, I began making collage art and I got hooked. I’ve been making mixed-media collages for over three years now and it’s been life-changing for me. (More about that in future posts!)

I also enjoy writing, and so, to continue to develop myself as a writer, I’ve included a blog in my new site: The Seeker’s Notebook. My intention is to bring together my interests in identity, art-making, and journaling through the lens of myth and depth psychology. This is where I’ll be attempting to weave my passion for art, self-exploration, and spiritual inquiry into a cohesive narrative; with art and writing, I’m peeling back the layers, doing shadow work, and gradually fumbling toward who I really am. And as serious (or foolish) as that sounds, I’m having a ball! I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor as much as I have enjoyed the laboring. 

A big part of making my work a public affair is that I want to share my process for overcoming a deeply false narrative about myself and life that I have lived with for decades. Healing from trauma is not something that happens overnight; in fact, for many of us, it is a lifelong quest. In the hopes that it will inspire others to live their most authentic life, I’ve decided to take my healing process online.

I’ll be writing on a wide variety of topics but I wanted to start things off with this brief note of welcome. My intention is to post new artwork and a new blog post every few weeks. If you’re interested in keeping up with what I’m making and writing, sign up for my email list (at the bottom of any page on my site). I won’t abuse your attention with too many notifications, and you can unsubscribe at any time, of course. As you peruse the site you’ll see that I have original artwork for sale, and prints are available for any image of mine that you find here.

So, welcome friends, curious onlookers, and seasoned seekers! I’m happy you’re here.


My Early Collage Days